Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Ethics of Reductionism in the Medical Sciences

While Marcum’s philosophy focuses on medical research at the molecular, genetic, and tissue levels, Elisabeth Lloyd emphasizes the socioeconomic factors of health. She presents an empirical trend that permeates through a number of cross-national studies: the degree of income inequality in any given society is strongly correlated with the society’s level of morbidity and mortality. This means that if a society’s income gradient is steep (the poor are severely more poor than the rich), the worse off everyone is – rich and poor. This phenomenon can be seen in a wide range of diseases, including allergies, asthma, accelerated aging, cancer, epilepsy, Grave’s disease, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis, just†¦show more content†¦Both parties must take into account the expected quality of life, other medical problems, support structures, etc. Tauber argues that the application of medical sciences is not objectiv e, as any medical practitioner engages in the social domain of the sufferer and family just as much as he must engage in the genetic and biophysical domains of the body. Therefore, medicine, by its very nature, is holistic. It seeks to address all aspects of the patient, including illness, history, personal values, social influences, psychological state, etc. And, in medicine, reductionism should be viewed as a tool that may be applied to certain aspects as necessary to care for the patient. We have reviewed the causal effects on human health at genetic, tissue, organismal, and ecological levels. It appears that the line becomes blurred between reductionism and holism when these levels of organization are presented next to one another (for example, the organic holism of tissue structure demonstrated in Marcum’s discussion may be considered reductionism when presented relative to the human as a whole). Consequentially, the various aspects of human health form a continuous, relative, stack of holism on top of reductionist on top of holism on top of reductionism, etc. We can more accurately classify these various causal effects as hierarchical levels of explanation, rather than strictly â€Å"reductionist†Show MoreRelatedGenetic Enhancement and Politics Essays1801 Words   |  8 PagesGenetic Enhancement and Politics      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the beginning of organized government there has always been a clash between science and politics. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Children Of Men An Unconventional Sci Fi Film - 1692 Words

Children of Men: An Unconventional Sci-Fi Film According to Bill Nichols, genre films create a world in which personal and social conflicts are addressed; they have the ability to draw an audience into this world and explore the imagination of an alternate reality. The science fiction genre, also known as sci-fi, establishes genre conventions that distinguish it from other genre films, by creating thought provoking content that appeals to a wide audience. It creates a world altered by time and technology; some societies are often displayed as dystopias, where oppression and disorder serve as the backdrop for the film. Another convention of sci-fi is the ability to activate emotions such as awe, wonder, fascination, fear, and dread, especially through the characters. These elements help serve the main purpose of sci-fi, which is to offer allegorical suggestions about how relative conflicts might be tackled in this reality. The goal of sci-fi is not to stray into this unnatural fantastical world but to offer a possible and realisti c approach to what the future could become. One film that exemplifies and creatively challenges the typical conventions of sci-fi is Children of Men, directed by Alfonso Cuaron. Through effective use of narrative structure, mise-en-scene, editing and cinematography, Cuaron paints a realistic vision of the future, and rejects advancements of technology to avoid common sci-fi elements. With the verisimilitude of the film and documentary style filming,Show MoreRelated Dames, Coppers, and Crooks: A L:ook At Film Noir Essay2891 Words   |  12 PagesCrooks: A Look At Film Noir nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Film noir is a style of black and white American films that first evolved in the 1940s, became prominent in the post-war era, and lasted in a classic â€Å"Golden Age† period until about 1960. Frank Nino, a French film critic, first coined the label film noir, which literally means black film or cinema, in 1946. Nino noticed the trend of how â€Å"dark† and black the looks and themes were of many American crime and detective films released in France

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Distributed Computing Dropbox

Question: What extent do the fallacies of networked computing impact on the use of a service such as Dropbox? Answer: In case of distributed computing, several computers or servers are hosted in different remote places. However, files are distributes among the cluster of servers maintaining some protocol which maintains some distribution. When we deal with drop box, generally all deleted files as well as previous versions of files are saved for 30 days. Nevertheless, if extended version history could update, one can recover any previous version of files within a year. But, unlimited storage and infinite bandwidth will be fallacy to this cloud structure (Lanois, 2010). Considering on the facts, the topnotch fallacy can be as if it will be everywhere like in all the places like desktop, watch, laptop, mobile connected all the time of a person. Case studies: Apple tried it using iTunes and i-Pad, but failed due to low user reception. If a technologist asked about the storage of cloud space, he might chuckle and answers like that The location of the cloud is irrelevant (Alamri et al., 2010). This answer is technically accurate or proper, but also misses a important set of issues. The main thesis about cloud computing states that information and computational resources is centralized. So, one can think that cloud in cloud computing is abstract or un-located space. However, there are server and data centers where data is stored. Google alone is hosting thousand of machines as its cloud storage. It is difficult to find where a particular data stored is stored but those distributed servers or data centers can be located as it follows centralization concept. So it cannot be considered as a ninth fallacy. References: Lanois, P. (2010). Caught in the clouds: The Web 2.0, cloud computing, and privacy. Nw. J. Tech. and Intell. Prop., 9, 29. Alamri, A., Ansari, W. S., Hassan, M. M., Hossain, M. S., Alelaiwi, A., and Hossain, M. A. (2013). A survey on sensor-cloud: architecture, applications, and approaches. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

How People from Different Backgrounds free essay sample

Next stage at the age of 1 they will try to stand holding things, try to walk hol. 3 ding parents hands and finally they reaches a stage of succession where they can walk independently. Rate of Development it’s a quantity of something in comparison with a unit of another thing. Rate of development varies child to child. Each and every child has a different rate of development. They follow more or less the same pattern of rate of development. For example: Some babies start teething from 6 months and some of them start even at 9 months some babies can start making sentences at around 1 but in some case at the age of 1 and they only can speak few broken words. Importance of differences is that sequential development is the sequence of development this means that you must finish with one of area of development before you move on to the next one. We will write a custom essay sample on How People from Different Backgrounds or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The rate of development is the pace that a child develops, these can be the pace within each sequence or the pace overall and goes to cover all the set areas or period in between or altogether in the sequence. These principals run through all the areas of development from physical, social, intellectual and language no matter what the age of the child. If at all one is skipped or is slow it can be a cause for concern and may lead to a child being given a special recommendation or having a special need in or outside school.