Friday, May 8, 2020

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics - Why Writing Compares and Contrasts

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics - Why Writing Compares and ContrastsComparing and contrasting essay topics is a skill that many students fail to learn before they begin a college level English course. This often leads to students writing about subjects which are well outside their area of study. Some students even write poorly when they choose the wrong subjects, leaving other students to laugh at their writing.When we write about subjects that are beyond our knowledge, we must take the time to describe these subjects in ways that are understandable and logical. We must also show how these descriptions and facts will apply to other types of writings.As an example, when writing about politics, a student who is writing about a particular politician would do well to describe the characteristics of this politician's policies and actions. It would be better to avoid writing about the politicians individual political party if the student does not already agree with the political party's policies and beliefs. Instead, the student should compare and contrast the stances of each of the two political parties.Examples of these facts include: The Democratic Party is traditionally pro-abortion rights. But the Republican Party supports unrestricted access to abortion. Also, the Democrats support a wide variety of social programs while the Republicans favor a 'purity' code when it comes to issues of morality and sexuality.One important reason why students need to write about topics outside of their area of study is because most students have a limited amount of research time. This can lead to them spending hours reading their notes and book readings rather than exploring the world of literature and learning more about different cultures and ideas.For example, instead of reading books about current news and politics, students should spend more time doing research about world history. By comparing and contrasting essay topics, students can find interesting and current informa tion about world history.Writing about modern topics, especially those that don't relate to the student's current academic career, is another way to improve the ability to write clearly and well. Many students find themselves in the position of having to write a writing assignment because they simply do not have enough time to prepare for a project. By exploring different types of topics, such as current events, pop culture, or contemporary music, a student can avoid writing poorly when it comes to their assigned topic.By taking advantage of areas outside of their area of study, a student can be more productive in a unique writing project. Because of this, students must learn how to compare and contrast essay topics in order to be successful. This skill is extremely important and is one of the most important skills a student should learn before beginning a college level English course.

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