Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gifted Children free essay sample

For example, gifted child able to perform the highest grade of piano like those professional pianist even they never learn it before or just enter the first grade of the class. There is always a question about gifted children are either born in nature or nurture. Brigtte (2009) stated that gifted child is 2% of the population of 25 million of Malaysia population. The significant of gifted children always spotted while they are in early childhood, about four or five years old, which is on their learning stage or start their schooling. They always give a symptom in non-academic area such as playing piano, drawing, good memory and etc. Components of social relation always questionable about how it able to influence or produced potential gifted children. Some of the internal factors and external factors had been identified such as the internal factors included personal satisfaction and genuine interest (Laurie 2005); while external factors such as parental, peer relationship and school environment (Rimm 2012). Internal factors and external factors of social relation affect the potential of gifted children. For example, which factor would motivate the gifted children to learn? Would it self-interest or advises from family or peer influences? Following, which factors would bring negative or positive effect to the child? Malaysia had develop a conservative center for gifted children called PERMATApintar programme in University Kebangsaan Malaysia, which is collaboration with the Centre for Talented Youths, Johns Hopkins University in United States to give them a holistic education to nurture their innate abilities and talents (Sharifah 2012). It is important to conserve the gifted children to provide them a suitable education centre with among the same type of children. In our study, there are three major objectives. Objectives are determined by researchers based on the research question and problem: 1. To identify the external and internal factors of social relation affect the potential of gifted children 2. To examine the effect of external and internal factors of social relation on their potential. 3. To study the society perception on gifted children. 3. 0RESEARCH METHOD 3. 1 Introduction Methodology is a process of gathering information, recording and analyzing of data of the research. Method is a tool to prove the statement by collecting data in conducting a research. Our survey methodology involves several techniques and samplings to reach the objective of our study. Research method involve our study involve collecting primary and secondary date through interview, literature finding and questionnaire distribution to examine the variable and prove the accuracy of the problem statement, furthering implement solution for the proven problem. 3. 2 Research Philosophy As the nature of this study is to examine the phenomenon of gifted children in their natural environment the philosophy of conducting this research would be interpretivism. By definition: Interpretivism can be referred as the Social Constructionism in the field of management research. According to this philosophical approach research give importance to their beliefs and value to give adequate justification for a research problem (Easterby- Smith et al. 2006). With the help of this philosophical, researchers focus to highlight the real facts and figures according to the research problem. This kind of philosophical approach understand specific business situation. In this approach, researchers use small sample and evaluate them in detail to understand the views of large people (Kasi 2009) In fact, there might be many interpretation of reality about the factors affecting the potential of gifted children, but the concentration of this survey is to identify the factors of social relation affect the potential of gifted children, examine the effect of external and internal factors of social relation on their potential and study the society perception on them. To examine those effects, we should first identify the main factors that can affect the potential of gifted children. It can be divided to external and internal factors of social relation. Each external and internal group can be sub-divided to many sub factors After identification of relevant factors, the next step is examining the effect of those external and internal factors of social relation on gifted children potentials to have clear picture of effect of each factor on potentials. Studying the society perception on gifted children is a way to achieve the goal mentioned above. By interviewing selected people and preparing questionnaire, which will be explained further in data collection method, there would be an insight in this context. 3. 3Â   Research Framework Research framework for this research is conceptual framework as is linkage of research objectives with its research problem. Here the research framework is to identify the factors and its effects which will increase the potentiality of gifted children. Researchers understand the framework helps in identify the important factors which are the variables for the research and elaborate how each of the variables linked to the main problem and furthering implement an appropriate methods on the survey. Below is research framework Three objectives had Figure 3. 1 Research framework een identifying to study how to maximize the potentiality of gifted children. Both independent variables affect the performance of dependent variable whereby the relationship will be influence by moderating variable. It provides a guideline for researcher so that to avoid researcher collect to much data and create bias which lead to running out the topic in the research. In addition, research framework create and identify the nature relationship occur between the problem and the factors in leading to maximize the potential of gifted children. 3. 4 research approach pic] Figure 3. Research Model in Survey Research approach refers to the way in which research is conducted. To have an exhaustive look at all aspects of the concept, both qualitative and quantitative approach have been chosen for conducting this presented survey. Qualitative survey includes exploratory research design which provides information on the respondents’ opinion about the factors influencing gifted children potentials through interview. The interviewees should have adequate knowledge on the problem so that they can provide effective information. Quantitative survey includes descriptive research design which involves large samples and data collect in structured way (Malhorta, 2010). The primary data is collected through questionnaire analysis statistically. The questionnaire will provide close-end questions. The research model in figure 3. Describes the overall framework of our survey. This model identifies the internal and external factors of social relations affecting gifted children potential and the basic concept about the society perception we generated from sampling. So that to describe the reality in the social environment. The research model provided the concept we used to impose some sort of information about society perception to the real world. 3. 5 Research Design In this research, the collecting on secondary data from sources such as books, journal, article, online resources about the gifted children as to gain the insight of research so that research obtain an idea on examine the research question. Primary data included data collecting from interviewing the respondents to obtain their opinion about the factors which influence the potentiality gifted children. Target respondent must have knowledge about the problem that stated in the research so that to provide accurate answer and help in the research. Besides, the survey method by distribute questionnaire also part of the collecting data by providing close-end question by involving all the tested variables so that samples enables to answer and work with minimum interruption, especially internal disturbance such as anxiety and nervousness so that respondent able to provide quality information. Thus respondents may feel more relaxed and can be honest in delivering their responses. The variable include internal and external factors of social relation; effect of the component and perception of society toward the gifted children. After collecting the data, data will be discuss by using SPSS method to prove the relationship between the tested variable with the problem statement so that the further solution and implement can be distribute to solve the problem. Diagram below is the overall research design used in the research on the problem statement: 3. 6 The Overall Research Design Figure 3. 3 the overall research design . 7 phase one: Preliminary Qualitative Studies Qualitative method can be used if the problem has not been explored much in the literature. Methods for a qualitative approach are observation studies, participant observation, ethnographic studies, free-form interviews, case studies and historical studies. Qualitative approach is good for understanding social phenomena. Our preliminary qualitative study is consisting of group interview with responden ts who are able to provide beneficial information about gifted children. Interviewees are approached based on judgmental sampling whether they are able to provide their perception on gifted children and the social factors affecting their potentials. Three scopes of questions are delivered to our sample including the internal and external social factors, effect of these factors on the potential on the gifted children and their perception about this issue. In addition to judgmental sampling, convenient sampling had been implemented by interviewing friends and relatives familiar with this problem. The samples are accessible and easy to measure for our research. . 8 Phase two: Preliminary Quantitative Studies: The quantitative can be conducted to follow up the findings from qualitative. It relies on random sampling and structured data collection instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories. They produce results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize. Methods for conducting a qualitative research are surveys, str uctured interviews, usage data analysis, Questionnaire, controlled experiment and platform/ISP data analysis. Quantitative is useful in determining relationships, effects and causes. It is concerned with testing hypotheses derived from theory and/or being able to estimate the size of a phenomenon of interest. Depending on the research question, participants may be randomly assigned to different treatments. If this is not feasible, the researcher may collect data on participant and situational characteristics in order to statistically control for their influence on the dependent, or outcome, variable. If the intent is to generalize from the research participants to a larger population, the researcher will employ probability sampling to select participants In quantitative part, according to the objectives; Sets of questions had been designed, hence by adding the demographic section, a questioner containing two sections was designed and distributed up to 60 respondents. They were in different walks of life, education level and occupation status. 3. 9 Data analyze The questionnaire is designed specifically to extract relevant information regarding the possible internal and external social factors that influence the respondent’s perception. The data gathered by questionnaire is analyzed by quantitative measures. Each item in the questionnaire is measured by its frequency with SPSS software. For further analyze they will be tabulated. For analyzing the result of our qualitative research design, which are the data collected from group interview we will have a discussion on them. By discussing on the results of group interview we will analyze them with qualitative measures. 3. 10 Research limitations Although the research was carefully prepared, there are still some sorts of limitations and shortcomings. First of all, the population of the experimental group is small, which makes it more inaccurate to generalize the findings. Second, since the questionnaire designed to examine the perception of people towards the gifted children it seems not to provide enough evidence on internal factors since there were no current access to friends and family members of real gifted children. In addition, since the assessment of the pretest and post test was conducted by the author, it is unavoidable that in this study, certain degree of subjectivity can be found.

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